Sunday, February 21, 2010

What I want to happen...kind of...I think.

So, I have been daydreaming of having a small farm where I have animals grazing about on fields that are intensively rotated. The garden is robust and abundant in all types of veg and fruit. Everything is in perfect sync form the bee hives to the compost pile. Lots and lots of chickens because they are totally rad and I love my girls.Green roof on the house and passive solar constructed house with low voc paint and all the trimmings.
So, how do I get that when I have no money and no future plans on how to get said money? That's the kicker. And then, say I get the super happy magic farm of do I make money living the homestead life. These are the questions in my mind day after day...What say you....anyone out there? Even if I am talking to myself here, my brain is bound to come up with some answers for me. So, I'll keep you posted on that, or I'll keep myself posted, depending if I am talking to myself only or not.

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